Get the facts on vaping has been developed by Quit Victoria and is proudly supported by Cancer Council Victoria, VicHealth and the Victorian State Government.
Quit Victoria began in 1985
A ministerial review of health promotion had identified tobacco as the number one health priority in Victoria. Quit was established by the Minister for Health and Cancer Council Victoria. Our steering committee comprised the Health Department Victoria and Cancer Council Victoria, joined later by the National Heart Foundation of Australia (Victorian Division). This committee also advised the Minister for Health on policy and legislation to reduce the prevalence of smoking in Victoria.
The Tobacco Act and the creation of VicHealth
In 1987 the Victorian Tobacco Act was passed. It introduced a levy on the wholesale sale of tobacco products. The Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth) was established to distribute funds raised by the new levy.
Among other VicHealth initiatives, Quit's funding substantially increased, and continues to receive a strong and steady flow of financial support from VicHealth.
VicHealth now distributes many millions of dollars each year to hundreds of projects promoting health in Victoria.
VicHealth's material support and expertise has ensured Quit is able to continue its vital work in tobacco control. We gratefully acknowledge VicHealth's support and partnership
Our management today
Quit is a program of Cancer Council Victoria, funded by Cancer Council Victoria, VicHealth, the Victorian Department of Health and the Australian Government’s Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Branch.
We work in partnership with our funders, the Cancer Council Federation, and other state-based and national government-funded and non-governmental organisations.